Chander Prakash
Universal Booksellers | President Connect Lucknow | Chief Warden Civil Defence Lucknow (Retd)
Chander Prakash was raised and born in In the thriving city of Lucknow, a bastion of affection and deference renowned for its adab and tehzeeb He naturally inherited his parents’ mannerisms of compassion and respect for everyone because his parents too had the soul of humanity vibrating in their minds as well His Brother Vishan and the third generation Manav and Gaurav all work together to take their esteemed profession and the organisation Universal Booksellers to new heights as envisioned by their Parents Govind Ram and Sita Devi.Chander is fortunate to have the company of his devoted wife Sudha. She has assisted him in navigating the difficulties and obstacles that occasionally crossed their way. Gaurav his wife Anupama and daughter Gowri, Sumit their kids, continue to make them proud.

Chander Prakash
Universal Booksellers | President Connect Lucknow | Chief Warden Civil Defence Lucknow (Retd)
Chander Prakash was raised and born in In the thriving city of Lucknow, a bastion of affection and deference renowned for its adab and tehzeeb He naturally inherited his parents’ mannerisms of compassion and respect for everyone because his parents too had the soul of humanity vibrating in their minds as well.
His Brother Vishan and the third generation Manav and Gaurav all work together to take their esteemed profession and the organization Universal Booksellers to new heights as envisioned by their Parents Govind Ram and Sita Devi. Chander is fortunate to have the company of his devoted wife Sudha. She has assisted him in navigating the difficulties and obstacles that occasionally crossed their way. Gaurav his wife Anupama and daughter Gowri, Sumit their kids, continue to make them proud.
If you had to start over would you choose a corporate career or being an entrepreneur and why? Tell us about the uniqueness of your brand ?
Life has provided Chander tremendous opportunities and challenges as well .He always chose to be a business man from the beginning. The business of Books so delicately curated by them as a centre of service in the early 1930’s has thrived and withstood the test of time and is now into the fourth generation as well
Tell us about your social and other initiatives?
Chander has been very fortunate to have been given the opportunity to serve the city of his birth – by being selected as the Chief Warden Civil Defence (now retired) With a huge voluntary work force was instrumental in managing conflict resolution within communities In addition, leading the war against Polio , health and other issues was a force multiplier and a bridge with the public during challenging times faced by the Administration. He has been a leading force behind the Celebration of 200 years of Hazratganj As President of Connect Lucknow with the support of the City’s eminent citizenry crystallized perhaps the first Public Govt Private partnership in the restoration of a Bazaar Street in the country. Connect Lucknow spearheaded the restoration and rekindled the interest world over , back to the city known once as the Constantinople of the East. He is proud to have got the opportunity to being a bridge for the large Girmitya Community Between 1828-1916 Approx. 1.2 Million Indians were taken away by the colonial Masters to work in pitiful conditions , reminiscent of slavery in the far off colonies of the world. The Indian Indenture agreement was a draconian little understood paper through which hapless illiterate poverty stricken Men Women Children were forcibly by overt covert means taken to work in British Colonies Through the efforts of Mahatma Gandhi and Madan Mohan Malviya the agreement was abrogated in 1916/17. He has been an important part and initiator of the first-ever celebration of the 100-year abrogation of the Indian Indenture system which was held at the First NRI conference in Jan 2016 by the Govt in Agra. Is now a Patron of the Global Girmitya Association
What is your business success mantra that you have embraced as you sought to establish your success story?
Never ventured out into the world to create a success story Even now I feel success is a terminology coined by the arrogant I just was fortunate to have been true to every moment , every , the present Which in turn also encapsulated relationships That I have been able to sustain my livelihood and my sanity is a tribute to my subservience to the every moment The future is not yours to be , the past has gone Hope and pray the moment continues to fire my patience and faith in whatever the circumstances challenge me with.
One special Quote/message for all communities/brands.
Any other Happy moments /achievements you would like to share with the world.
At peace with My all weather 24×7 “Self”